Do you ever find yourself wondering each time you date or like a cute guy and it doesn't work out, why, why, why can't it work out? I do every time.
I realized the answer as I was thinking of the experience I had when I was first applying for internships for my first degree. I interviewed with a couple different big internships that I really wanted and was turned down for them. I started to feel discouraged and rejected. I was so sad and thought something is seriously wrong with me and I am not going to ever find an internship and I am not going to be able to graduate. There was a smaller company that had offered me an internship and I was deciding that I should probably take it because it was better than nothing, and I needed an internship in order to graduate. But then, just when I was deciding to accept the offer, I received an offer to have my dream internship--it was the biggest place, the one internship I would have chosen over all the others, including the ones that I was so sad about being turned down for. I had thought there was no way they would ever hire me because it was such an incredible and coveted internship.
So, of course I immediately accepted and had the greatest experience at that internship. I looked back and thought "thank goodness the other places turned me down because I would have accepted one of their lesser offers and, although I would have been happy for the moment, I would have been sad in the long run to have missed out on an even better internship, my dream internship."
So, I think it's the same with dating. Instead of getting discouraged when things don't work out the way we want, we have to remember that there's something better for us out there and we'll be glad later that things didn't work out how we originally planned. I've already had many experiences where I looked back at guys I dated, and although they were great guys I think "thank goodness it didn't work out."